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NOV1 Burger

The NOV1 Burger is a burger shop from Belém – PA. The company’s proposal is to create a hamburger model that has a language and connection with the local culture of Pará, but without getting too heavy on regionalism or local cultural elements, but rather making a slight mention of it, aiming at the future implementation of the brand in other areas. regions that do not know that language.

The name NOV1 makes a reference to (91) which is the DDD for the city of Belém, and the company came to us to translate these ideas into a project covering positioning strategy, visual identity, and packaging for delivery.

One of our main challenges was to differentiate NOV1 from the numerous competing hamburgers that have similar products and service proposals. When we mapped the region where the brand was going to establish itself, we found more than 20 players, including fast food chains, artisanal hamburgers and delivery services, with different brands and languages ​​vying for the attention of consumers.

Immediately, in a scenario like this, where the product is not the decisive point, having a brand that generates a connection with the customer and with the local culture is extremely important for the success of NOV1.

Project Direction: Leo Tavares
Designer: Leo Tavares
Illustrations: Lucas Storalic
Product photography: Matheus Aquino